1. Where can I find JAZZ™ apples?
You can find JAZZ™ apples at these retailers. If your favorite grocery store doesn’t currently carry JAZZ™ apples, you may request them from the store manager or produce department manager.
2. How are JAZZ™ apples grown?
JAZZ™ apples are responsibly grown in the sun-drenched orchards of prime apple growing regions across the globe, including Chile, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, the UK and, of course, in Washington state, the apple capital of North America! They’re grown by specially-selected growers who adhere to a meticulous, quality-controlled growing program which ensures they are safe to eat, store well, and taste delicious! Click here to find out more about our growing practices.
3. Are jazz™ apples genetically modified organisms (GMOS)?
JAZZ™ apples are free from genetic modification and were born using natural plant-breeding methods.
4. Are JAZZ™ apples nutritious?
JAZZ™ apples don’t just taste great, they’re good for you, too! JAZZ™ apples are a source of fiber, vitamins C and nutrients that can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Apples are a low-fat food making it an excellent healthy snack for the whole family.
5. When are JAZZ™ apples in season?
JAZZ™ apples are in season year-round since they’re grown around the world! Look out for the distinctive bright blue label on every delicious JAZZ™ apple at a store near you!
6. Are JAZZ™ apples appropriate for cooking or baking?
JAZZ™ apples make any standard recipe absolutely sensational – click here for a few of our favorites!
7. Do you offer coupons on JAZZ™ apples?
We periodically offer coupons through our retail partners, and offer rebates through the popular shopping app, Ibotta. Visit your favorite grocery chain’s website, app, or social platforms for ads, specials, and other cost-saving opportunities. PLUS! Enter our current promotion for a chance to win a shipment of JAZZ™ apples!
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