With the new British JAZZ™ Apple season creeping closer each day, we wanted to highlight a date for your diary as it’s one event very close to our hearts and our favourite food celebration day of the year. Yes, that’s right – it’s got to be National Apple Day, which falls on Saturday, October 21st and is a celebration of all things apples!

National Apple Day was launched in 1990 by Common Ground, a charity based in Dorset, which has been at the forefront of community conservation and environmental education in England for the last 30 years. Apple Day is a celebration and a demonstration of not simply apples, but in the richness and diversity of landscape, ecology and culture too.

The first official celebration took place at the old Apple Market in London’s Covent Garden in 1990 but the day now sees over 600 events taking place around the country, some attracting thousands of people.

So, with October 21st approaching, we’re encouraging our followers to celebrate Apple Day for themselves in their own town, city, village, parish or home. It could be as simple as creating a special apple recipe for friends and family or something larger such as a community event celebrating everyone’s favourite fruity snack. Whatever it is, we’d love to hear from you and find out how you’re celebrating this special day!

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