About the Foundation
JAZZ™ Apple launched the ‘JAZZ™ Apple Foundation’ on the 1st June 2014 with the simple aim of offering monetary support to people, groups and charitable endeavours that are important to you and share our beliefs.
- We believe in the importance of nourishing and supporting the next generation of young Brits.
- We believe in encouraging the consumption of an apple a day (JAZZ™ of course!) and a healthy, balanced diet.
- We believe that sport and physical exercise is vital for a healthy body, mind and soul.
Since its formation, the Foundation has helped over 1,000 people and handed out over £20,000 in awards to a range of great causes ranging from junior football teams to dance and ballet clubs.
The way it works – fill in the Application Form, read the T&C’s and email it to jack@hungrycommunications.co.uk. Every month the Jazz Apples Team will select the lucky award winners. It could not be simpler.

New Foundation Awardees Revealed!
We’re always looking to grow the JAZZ™ Apple Foundation and help more people and organisations so we’re delighted that we were able to hand out a trifecta of awards in February to three very deserving causes.
VYD Football
Set up in 2019, VYD is a social impact community interest company that tries to influence the lives of young people through football. As well as working with schools to provide coaching sessions and lessons on how to cook healthily, they also offer free football coaching sessions to refugees, families, children and individuals from the lowest socio-economic groups in Brighton & Hove. The JAZZ™ Apple Foundation has stepped in to help cover the costs of a qualified football coach for the organisation for three months and we’re excited to see how they award will help those in need.
St Paul’s Primary School
Based in Cheshire, St Paul’s is a Catholic Primary School with 124 children. The school is looking to raise £15,000 to help build a new, safe playground for their students and the JAZZ™ Apple Foundation was more than happy to contribute to the fund as well as providing the children with some delicious British-grown JAZZ™ Apples.
SPARKS Multisport
The project began in September 2022 and was born after a group of parents struggled to find participative, non-competitive football for their daughters in the local area. SPARKS Multisport was created and now offers a range of sports including football, netball, cricket, rugby and rounders to girls in the 3-4 year group. The Bedford-based group was requesting funds to cover the costs of some new sporting equipment for their members so the JAZZ™ Apple Foundation offered a helping hand by giving them an award. We can’t wait to see how the girls and club progress in the future with the addition of new equipment.
Stay tuned for more details of how our latest JAZZ™ Apple Foundation awardees get on by keeping your eyes on our social media pages and newsletter. And if you know an individual or organisation who is in need of support from the JAZZ™ Apple Foundation then we’d love to hear from you. Visit www.jazzapple.com/uk/jazz-foundation for further information and to download an application form.
Who we’ve helped in the past
St Luke’s School
St Luke’s School is a special school for children with learning disabilities and complex needs aged between 7 and 16 years old. Around 90% of their local authority funding goes towards covering the high staff-to-child ratio so any extra funding they get is always greatly received. Once we heard that they needed some support to purchase some new gym and play equipment we were more than happy to help provide.
Loreto College
Loreto College pupils have been taking part in the Mental Health Foundation’s ‘Take Action, Get Active’ campaign to integrate 30 mins of exercise each day. With the Covid pandemic greatly affecting young people’s mental health, Loreto College aims to purchase a selection of outdoor gym equipment to encourage their pupils to stay active.
Groundwork North East & Cumbria
Groundwork Northeast & Cumbria were founded in the North of England with the purpose of bringing communities together and making their lives and their neighbourhoods better. They are a green environmental charity that are passionate about creating a future where every neighbourhood is green and where equal opportunities are provided despite backgrounds or circumstances.
Groundwork recently partnered with Durhamworks, which is a programme aimed at supporting 10,000 16–24-year-olds not in employment or education by December 2021. As part of the award, the JAZZ™ Apple Foundation has provided funds to cover the cost of activity days for Groundwork’s mentors and their mentees. The activities such as gym taster days and art sessions will help massively in improving and enhancing their skills, as well as building their confidence and self-esteem. We’re thrilled to be helping such a fantastic organisation and look forward to witnessing the journey their mentors and mentees take towards a better life.
Play Radnor
Play Radnor is a rural children’s charity that provides quality play, recreational and leisure time opportunities for children and young people in the county of Powys. The charity works with a range of different age groups and required some new sports equipment to enable their children to increase their physical activity levels.
The Coombe Girls Parents and Friends Association
The Coombe Girls Parents and Friends Association was fundraising for a selection of additional facilities and equipment which boost physical activity and healthier lifestyles among their pupils. In particular, a new long jump pit was needed for the school as it is waterlogged for numerous months in the year and required regular maintenance to make it usable even in the summer months. After hearing this, the JAZZ™ Apple Foundation stepped in to cover the cost of repair and that of a new specialist cover.
Uplands Manor Primary School
Uplands Manor Primary School in Smethwick, West Midlands, approached the Foundation as they wanted to encourage their pupils to be more active but were struggling to do so due to inadequate equipment. The JAZZ™ Apple Foundation was more than happy to help and has provided the school with an award to purchase some trim trail equipment for a new course for their pupils. Hopefully, this will spur on more children to get active and enjoy the outdoors.
The Knowledge Schools Foundation Trust
The Knowledge Schools Foundation Trust is a fantastic charity working in inner-city London and exactly the type of organisation the JAZZ™ Apple Foundation was set up to support. The charity provides educational enrichment and extra-curricular support to children attending four local schools, many of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds. The charity contacted the Foundation as it needed funding to help its sixth-form pupils as it wanted to create an outside area where they could exercise and keep fit. It was decided that a new outdoor table tennis table would help the students and the JAZZ™ Apple Foundation stepped in with an award to help.
Emma Harris
Karate-keen Emma began the sport when she was three-years-old and now competes and trains alongside her friends five days a week. And she certainly knows a thing or two about karate too as she’s been chosen to represent England at the European and World Championships in the past, winning bronze, silver and gold medals along the way.
Once we heard that Emma was looking for some sponsorship to help cover the costs of her travel, uniform and equipment we were more than happy to step in and help out. She was already a big fan of our award-winning apples before but is also looking to inspire others to follow in her footsteps and get active!
Avonmouth C of E Primary School and Nursery
Avonmouth C of E Primary School and Nursery got in touch with the Foundation to request a grant to help install a wooden treehouse for their nursery pupils to encourage good mental and physical health, promote curiosity and exploration, and advocate role play and imaginative games.
St Stephen’s Primary School
Pupils at St Stephen’s Primary School in South Godstone village, Surrey, are rewarded for healthy choices at lunch with sports equipment. The ‘Healthy Eating Loyalty Card’ initiative was set up by the school council and has been a fantastic way of encouraging them to eat more greens and be more active. The JAZZ™ Apple Foundation was delighted to be able to help purchase some new sports equipment for the school such as hula hoops and skipping ropes so the scheme can be even better and draw in even more children.
DC Sports Academy & Holbeach United Football & Education Academy are providing soccer camps, development centres, centres of excellence and football education to young people from the ages of 7 to 19 at the Holbeach United Community Sports Academy. Their soccer camps provide a fun and safe environment for children in the South Holland area during school breaks, while their development centres and centres of excellence, which run in the evenings for 11–16-year-olds throughout the year, help them develop as young footballers and give them high-quality coaching and opportunities to play in exhibition games against professional and semi-professional academies. The JAZZ™ Apple Foundation was delighted to provide the club with a monetary grant to cover the costs of new footballs, bibs are training cones for their aspiring young footballers.
Oxhey Wood is a 2-form entry primary school for 3-11-year-olds in South Oxhey, Hertfordshire. The school is an area of high deprivation so one of the ultimate objectives of the school is to narrow the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils, and to equip their pupils with the skills to be successful and productive members of our school community and, ultimately, wider society. The school is working hard to promote healthy eating amongst its pupils and make their canteen a more attractive place for both adults and children to eat so that they are encouraged to share a daily meal together. The JAZZ™ Apple Foundation was thrilled to be involved and provided a monetary grant to purchase wall art for the canteen which features attractive designs filled with positive messages about healthy eating and good table manners.
Little Miracles South Holland is a parent-led support group for families who have children with disabilities, additional needs and life-limiting conditions. The group provides support, advice, interactive play sessions and trips and outings, and is opening a disability support centre and sensory room in South Holland. The JAZZ™ Apple Foundation stepped in to help with their fundraising for new sensory equipment, tables, chairs and toys amongst other things.