It’s always a sad day when we wave goodbye to the last of the UK JAZZ™ of the season but fear not as our friends in the Southern Hemisphere have got us covered and have some delicious JAZZ™ Apples at the ready which will be hitting your supermarkets in the next few weeks.

And while we crunch our way through this new bountiful supply of refreshing JAZZ™, our expert growers closer to home in the UK are busy preparing for the start of the UK season in November.

The recent frost and cold temperatures have made it more challenging as the apple trees enter their flowering stage and some growers have taken to lighting fires and frost protection candles to raise the temperatures around the trees to combat this. Although the colder temperatures aren’t ideal, the growth progression at our orchards is now daily with warmer, sunnier days arriving.

The ‘Pink Bud’ is the next growth stage and sees each flower begin to emerge on the trees with the colours of the petals now clearly visible. With a bit of luck and warmer temperatures, the next stage will be when see full blossom in the orchards which is always a favourite sight of ours.

Many of our legendary growers are on social media so you can keep up to date with how our apples are growing by visiting the pages below.

• @braiseworthorchards
• @plumfordfarm
• @manofrossltd
• @mansfield_farms

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