Here’s a delicious and simple-to-make recipe that’s perfect for the sunny months ahead. A wibbly-wobbly JAZZ™ Apple & Pomegranate Jelly that’s great to whip up with the kids over the summer holidays and one they will all enjoy eating too. Give it a try this month and share your finished pictures with the JAZZ™ Apple UK social media pages for a chance to receive a special prize!


Makes – Enough for 8 people

Recipe cost: £6.41 (80p per serving)

Prep time: 10 minutes (plus 6 hours cooling time)

Cooking time: 5 minutes


900ml JAZZ™ Apple juice

3 tbsp caster sugar

10 gelatine leaves (or vegetarian alternative)

1 tbsp lemon juice

4 tbsp pomegranate seeds


Place the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water until softened.

Heat the JAZZ™ Apple juice, sugar and lemon juice in a pan until just simmering, then immediately remove from the heat. Strain to remove any bits and cover.

Squeeze out the excess water from the gelatine leaves and add to the pan. Stir until dissolved. Leave to cool.

Add the contents of the pan to a jelly mould or pudding basin until around 1cm away from the top of the mould. Add the pomegranate seeds and transfer the jelly to the fridge. Leave to set for 6-8 hours.

To serve, briefly dunk the jelly mould into warm water and invert onto a plate.